Relement is very excited to announce we have been awarded a React-EU Grant to start as coordinator of a great value-chain consortium the Bright Coatings project. Objective of the project is the realization of a pre-commercial demonstration for the production and application of the ‘missing-link’ in a 100% sustainable alkyd coating application: our biobased aromatic MPA, based on local available starting materials.
The coating industry is in an urgent need to lower the CO2-footprint. At end of life a coating will be burned as waste, since recycling is very difficult. This results to more CO2 in the air since coatings are made from fossil resources. Therefore, making biobased coatings is key. However, 1 important ingredient is missing to make a 100% sustainable coating, which is the chemical called aromatic. It is the aromatic that makes the coating glossy, scratch resistant and UV-stable.
Within the Bright Coatings project Relement will scale-up and demonstrate this missing link: the bio-aromatic MPA towards (sub)commercial scale (>100kg) production, which as of today has not been done before. Subsequently, bio-aromatic MPA will be formulated in a 100% sustainable alkyd coating. In doing so, the bio-aromatic MPA will be the first biobased aromatic product that can replace fossil phthalic anhydride in alkyd coating and that can be produced on industrial scale.
To achieve a sizable impact with this project, the full production chain for these coatings will be researched, developed, evaluated and improved upon. Non-beneficiary partners Straalbedrijf Boxtel and Tobroco Giant will be involved for the demonstration of the 100% sustainable alkyd coating on an electric wheel loader vehicle.
The starting material for biobased aromatic MPA is 2-methylfuran (2MF) which can be made from biobased furfural. For this reason, upcoming European biorefineries join this consortium to align with their local hemicellulose feedstock to convert it into 2MF.
It is expected that the Bright Coatings project will have a positive impact on the economy as well as any industry that is reliant on the use of specialty aromatics. This industry and market has been waiting for a long time on sustainable aromatic solutions. Through the establishment of the aforementioned local value-chain from biomass to coatings, this project contributes to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to making climate actions a reality such as the climate plan 55 % net reduction target as presented under the Fit for 55 package.
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or contact Monique Wekking I +31(0)6 468 473 58